From Start-Up to Certified

Starting a new manufacturing facility is hard enough. Regulatory compliance doesn’t have to be.

Headquartered in the heart of Utah County, Intuitive Quality Consulting was founded with a vision to help small-to-medium sized manufacturers make the leap from start-up to certification. Specializing in food and dietary supplements, we can help navigate the subtleties of federal code so that you can breathe easy when the FDA shows up. You have a great product! Let us help you protect it.


Contact Us

Kylee Rogers
(801) 673-0643

Areas of Practice



Dietary Supplements and OTCs




“Quality begins with the intent, which is fixed by management.”

– W. Edwards Deming

Get in Touch

The first step to ensuring that you’re ready for your next audit is to schedule a consultation appointment so we can evaluate your existing systems. This consultation can be conducted virtually or in-person.